Embrace the cringe

How are you? It’s 2:23 am and I am on my laptop, blogging. So that’s pretty self-explanatory.

I’ve kept this blog hidden for a while but I’ve decided to set it live again. I’ll be honest, I had a look at all of the posts and considered deleting all of them to make way for newer grown-up posts from an older, wiser point of view but stopped myself.

As cringeworthy as some of these old blog posts are, I wrote them. And reading through them, I could remember exactly what my situation was, what music I was listening to at the time, and probably what food I was really into that month.

Posterity is wonderful. It makes you appreciate how far you’ve come and instils gratitude to your younger self for getting you there.

So take some advice from a sleep-deprived person typing away on their sofa to you - embracing all of the embarrassing aspects of yourself. That version of you helped you towards realising your truest, best self.

Najmah Salam
25-year old artist, designer and crafter from Singapore.

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