How to set up an email report on Google Data Studio

Elevator pitch:

Instead of spending 1-2 working days putting together your email report, why not spend 5 minutes? Interested? Keep reading…


I’ve created a comprehensive resource that details how to create an email reporting dashboard in Google Data Studio. See the sample end result here >


Data reporting should really be the bread and butter of any digital marketer’s skill set.

However, for email marketing it can get a little tricky - the stats we look at don’t often easily translate into an all-in-one dashboard like Google Analytics the same way as PPC, so we have to make use of Excel and elbow grease to get to the bottom of email performance.

I often joke about being so lazy that I’ll actively do more work now to do less work in future, and as it happens this was exactly how I came about automating my email reporting. I’ve usually been the only email marketer in the places I’ve worked at, so I don’t have to luxury to spend oodles of time on data reporting.

Using my method means:

  • Your data will be automatically calculated and lessens human error.

  • You can create different dashboards based on the same data - detailed for you, simplified for stakeholders.

  • You can save time on reporting

  • You can work transparently, so your stakeholders can literally be on the same page. Or data dashboard, in this case.


Putting together a dashboard can require quite a bit of work upfront and trial and error. However, it will save you loads of time moving forward so you can concentrate on the investigative work, not the heavy lifting.

This resource is a bit of a monster since I’ve tried to make it pretty comprehensive, so I’ve put it on Notion since I find it’s a lot easier to format than on this page. Just click on the button below to delve into the full thing.

Najmah Salam
25-year old artist, designer and crafter from Singapore.

How to Add Live Notes & Feedback To Your Data Studio Dashboard


Email and Coffee